Past Projects

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PAST PROJECTS = Projects which are not accepting any more students and have already ended. We have left these projects here for your reference. 



    (National Park Service) Friends of the Park

    Interested in helping out your community? Looking to complete volunteer hours while also building a tan? Volunteer with the War in the Pacific National Historical Park for a Friends of the Park cleanup! These cleanups are held on the second Saturday of each monthat one of our park locations, including three beaches!

    Sinajana Beautification

    1. Sinajana Beautification at Sinajana Gym. We will be doing a clean-up to help BEAUTIFY GUAM!

    Tamuning Beautification

    1. Tamuning Beautification at Apotguan Park. We will be doing a clean-up to help BEAUTIFY GUAM!

    * Fanohge Para Lina'la' - Stand Up for Life (Virtual 5k)

    September - Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month
    People can sign up virtually from Guam or anywhere around the world. Select a high school and/ or
    village on Guam for our School / Village Challenge. 90% of proceeds will support Kurason I Sengsong/Island Girl Power Youth Programs and Environmental Campaigns.

    Service Learning students register online for free, select their village and their school for the Village / School Challenge. Decide if they want to participate IN PERSON or VIRTUAL at a location of their choice. Take pictures and videos to share on their social media accounts or send to us for us to post. #Guam5K #FocusOnLifeGuam #GuamServiceLearning #FanogeParaLina'La'.
    Send Guam Service Learning your photo or video post to us to receive your Service Learning Project Completion Certificate via WhatsApp at 671-688-4752.
    While taking action we encourage you to remember the cause and place suicide prevention ribbons around your village or in the state or country you are in. The Suicide Awareness colors are purple and teal.

    September - Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month
    People can sign up virtually from Guam or anywhere around the world. Select a high school and/ or
    village on Guam for our School / Village Challenge. 90% of proceeds will support Kurason I Sengsong/Island Girl Power Youth Programs and Environmental Campaigns.


    Operation Christmas Drop

    Operation Christmas Drop (OCD) provides our brothers and sisters in the outer islands of Micronesia needed essential supplies, food, clothing and other materials to pacific island nations. The OCD team collects, sorts, inventories and delivers these sustainable goods.  Volunteer opportunities would consist of assisting with food drives at local businesses or assisting in inventory and sorting of collected goods.

    Tower for Humanity & Micronesia Mall Charity Build

    Volunteer to help build a 30-foot tall toy timber log replica of New York City’s Empire State Building at the Micronesia Mall to benefit three of Guam’s nonprofit organizations dedicated to serving children in need. Learn about Alee Shelters, Harvest House, and Victim Advocates Reaching Out (VARO) in the Mall’s Center Court while you help us bring this tower to life!


    GROW in Malojloj

    Come out to plant trees with UOG Sea Grant G.R.O.W (Guam Restoration of

    Watersheds) Initiative to help restore the Ugum Watershed!


    Mo'na Manhoben Food Security and Sustainability Summit, University of Guam 9-3pm

    This summit focuses on sharing knowledge about Guam’s food security and sustainability. Providing students with basic information needed to contribute during service opportunities. It is our aim that knowledge and skills transfer, and ultimately encourage these students to become change makers for our region. This summit will result in survey data and a mini action plan about next steps to increase food security on Guam’s future generations.


    Come support and join us by taking a volunteer role during this upcoming WYLD CHRISTMAS FAIR. Volunteers that sign up early will receive extra hours and training to be in charge of a sales or demonstration booth for us. 

    Additional volunteers will be hosts and hostesses walking visitors around and answering questions they may have. 1ST DAY TO VOLUNTEER IS DECEMBEER 9TH 2023 FROM 9-2PM

    Guam Department of Agriculture Planting Events

    Plant trees to help care for our native ecosystems. The Guam Department of Agriculture performs plantings to help reforest Guam all throughout the island. Most of our plantings this year will be located in the southern portion of the island. 


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