Past Projects

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PAST PROJECTS = Projects which are not accepting any more students and have already ended. We have left these projects here for your reference. 



    Broken Crayon Project

    Come help us with our annual Broken Crayon Project! Every year, we put out a call to teachers, students, and families at the end of the school year to donate their used school supplies to this project. Because of our mission to serve the far-flung islands of Micronesia, we are able to send these school supplies to communities that need them. We will need your help to collect, box, and prepare these donations for shipping. 

    Guam Girl Scouts Summer Camp

    Help the Guam Girl Scouts with our “Summer of STEM” camp this year! Assist girls with activities including building, coding, math, art and so much more!

    Nissan Guam 7.5/2K Flag Run

    Nissan Guam is holding their annual 7.5/2K Flag Run! Proceeds will benefit Guam Girl Scouts, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and Catholic Social Services!

    Earth Day at the Refuge, Litekyan (Ritidian)

    Come grace the spirits of Litekyan while you Preserve, Conserve and Restore one of Guam’s oldest settlement site, dated around 3000 years ago. 

    Guam March to Protect Mother Earth

    Be a part of international movements to support science, combat climate change, ban plastics, and raise local awareness to protect our island’s resources. Minors must be accompanied by parents or a responsible adult. 

    Sanctuary Incorporated of Guam 8th Annual Youth Fest

    Sanctuary Incorporated of Guam will be hosting its 8th Annual Youth Festival on Saturday April 28, 2018 at the Guam Museum/ Skinner Plaza in Hagatna from 10:00 am – 4: 00 pm.  This year's theme entitled #manhobenSTRONG will showcase a variety of talents from a diverse group of island youth. Learn how to lead a "strong" healthy lifestyle and share this information with others to earn service learning hours. 

    Coral Reef Monitoring

    Ever wondered what it’s like to be a marine scientist? Learn about Guam’s coral reefs and how to survey while snorkeling at the beach. 


    What can be done about Invasive Species?

    Learn about the invasive species problems affecting Guam and come up with an action plan of what you can do to help. 

    Rain Gardens

    Build your own rain garden and help our environment too! As excess rain water washes over streets, parking lots and lawns, it can pick up and  carry many items and pollutants itno our rivers and oceans, leading to water pollution and unhealthy coral reefs. Rain gardens are important because they increase the amount of rain water that recharges to ground water, reducing flooding and erosion problems. 

    Guam Head Start Program Children's Fitness Fair

    Come join the Guam Head Start Program as we MOVE, LEARN and PLAY!  Help us promote health and wellness by encouraging exercise for children ages 2 to 10 years old. 


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