We need you! This is a wonderful opportunity to be a part of showcasing the talent we have on Guam. All vendors will be artists, jewelry/ craft makers, game booths and food trucks. Nahomlo the refillery will also be there so don’t forget to bring your bottles and bags. A large portion of what is raised will come to our non-profit organization Kurason I Sengsong- Island Girl Power to support our youth empowerment programs. Come support and join us by taking a volunteer role during this upcoming WYLD CHRISTMAS FAIR. 

Volunteers that sign up early will receive extra hours and training to be in charge of a sales or demonstration booth for us. Additional volunteers will be hosts and hostesses walking visitors around and answering questions they may have.


Preparation Instruction:
To prepare for this event we ask that you do some research on Kurason I Sengsong - Island Girl Power and Idyllwyld. Contact us to schedule a tour. 
Make sure you and your parent take a tour on or before December 9th or December 16th at 10am. Tours are on Saturdays at 10am. Make sure to tell our staff that you are there for Service-Learning project – WYLD CHRISTMAS FAIR so that you receive volunteer forms proper instructions. 

Research information online about Island Girl Power - Kurason I Sengsong & Idyllwyld.

Activity Instruction:
After you complete all preparations, you are ready to take charge. 
All volunteers should know enough about our organization to guide visitors. It's important to keep your schedule you sign up for. 

 Sign in immediately and find your supervisor and let us know before you sign out. 

ATTIRE; Dress for the holidays in red, green, white colors or Island print. We also encourage elf costumes ❤ Encourage your friends and family to come over by sharing media on WhatsApp groups and other social media such as Instagram. 

*Be Kind
*Be Helpful 
*Be Respectful 
 *Take pride in doing an excellent job for every moment you are with us. 

Remember that YOU represent US during this event.

Reflection Instruction:
What did you learn about our organization during the tour and the event? How did you feel about volunteering during the event? Why did you choose this project for your service-learning? Would you like to volunteer with us again? Why?
How do events like these (that have no alcohol/smoking) affect our community and families?

Learning Standards/Objectives:
9–12.1.1 Produce original media products that incorporate different content areas using a combination of text, images, sound, music, or video for personal or group expression and inclusion in portfolios. 
9–12.3.9 Create an electronic portfolio (e-portfolio) of digital images, music, and custom animated projects. 
9–12.4.2 Practice safe and responsible sharing of information and opinions online. 
9–12.4.3 Follow protocols when accessing multiple digital communities (e.g., online lists and forums). 
9–12.4.4 Comply with the GDOE Acceptable Use Policy. 
9–12.4.5 Practice responsible and appropriate use of technology systems, software, and information and comply with copyright laws. 
9–12.4.6 Assess and explain the connection between the emerging technologies and ethical and unethical uses and the impact on individuals, societies, and cultures. 
9–12.5.7 Understand functions and features of online applications (e.g., online encyclopedias, search engines). 
9–12.5.8 Apply technological tools to research career options, requirements, and availability. 
9–12.5.9 Understand functions and features of emerging online interactive sites, such as: Common blogging sites (e.g., edublog, Multiply.com) Social networking sites (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 
9–12.1.1 Produce original media products that incorporate different content areas using a combination of text, images, sound, music, or video for personal or group expression and inclusion in portfolios.
Standard 8: Lifelong Literacy Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes as they participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative, and critical members of a variety of literacy communities. 
Take action on a topic of interest that will have a positive impact on the school community. 
12.8.1 • As a member of a group, plan a production that offers diverse performances by many students on a topic of common interest. • Use Facebook to plan and discuss “go green” information with peers to evaluate how well it achieves its purpose, recommend changes, and act on those recommendations.

Standard 6: Value of Physical Education 
HS.6.1 Identify positive mental and emotional aspects of participation in a variety of physical activities (e.g., mental alertness, relaxation, social interaction).

HIGH SCHOOL: World History from Ancient Times to Present 
Standard 1: Culture
WH.1.1 Demonstrate appreciation of the cultural values, languages, lifestyle, and heritage of different ethnic groups
World Languages
Standard 1: Communications
1WL.1.1 Make requests and ask different types of questions in a variety of social situations.
1WL.1.2 Use speaking and listening strategies to facilitate communication. EXAMPLE(S): circumlocution, synonyms, antonyms
1WL.1.3 Recognize and use situation-appropriate nonverbal communication.
1WL.1.4 Exchange information and opinions orally on a variety of topics


  Name: Juanita Blaz Executive Director
 Phone: 671-688-4752
Organization/Agency/Business Name: Kurason I Sengsong - Island Girl Power & IDYLLWYLD

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