Conservation Ranger Academy

Conservation Ranger Academy

Learn about our environment and what you can do to help protect and preserve it, through hiking and snorkeling in a safe environment and through presentations and field trips.  You will also build leadership, mentoring and team building skills through fun activities and games. 

War in the Pacific National Historical Park announces Conservation Ranger Camp. The park is seeking motivated high school students who have a passion for the environment and who are willing to take on leadership responsibilities. This free, dynamic program introduces youth to fun, safe, and exciting ways to explore our island’s natural resources and learn about marine science at Guam’s national park.

In the first session of this two-part program, from July 1-6, 2019 (no program July 4), Conservation Rangers will learn leadership skills and how to be mentors. They will also learn about the threats to the environment and coral reefs in particular. During the second session of the program, July 29 to August 2, Conservation Rangers will serve as youth leaders for the park’s Reef Ranger Summer Camp. As role models, the Conservation Rangers will help the younger Reef Ranger campers learn about threats to coral reefs from within and outside the ocean, as well as help them during hiking and water activities. Conservation Rangers must be available to attend both sessions.



Preparation Instruction:
Completely fill out our registration form, which requires your parent/guardian’s signature and a short essay portion. Turn in the registration form by June 30th, 2019 by emailing it to [email protected] or at our T. Stell Newman Visitor Center, Sumay.  Each participant must ensure that they wear appropriate clothing for each day’s activity (outlined in the registration packet).  Wear sun protection such as a hat and sunscreen, bring snacks and lunch, and a reusable water bottle.  


Activity Instruction:

After learning about our environment, their importance and how we can protect it, you will become mentors to younger kids (5th and 6th grade), you will encourage them to participate in fun learning activities, assist them during hiking and snorkeling activities, and help them to complete a final project on environmental issues our island currently has. 


Reflection Instruction:

In order to earn service learning hours, a reflection will need to be turned in to a teacher for input into Power School. The reflection should address: What did you do? What did you learn? In what way was this service to your community?

We encourage you to reflect on the information that is presented to you regarding environmental issues during the Conservation Ranger Academy and pass on that information to younger participants you will be mentoring.  We hope that this would encourage you to be proactive in our community and our daily lives to help relieve negative impacts on our environment.  


Learning Standards/Objectives:
Guam Department of Education Performance Standards

Standard 1: Science As Inquiry

Students use scientific inquiry and develop the ability to think and act in ways associated with inquiry.

BI.1.4 Communicate the components and results of life science explorations using appropriate techniques.

BI.1.5 Be curious, honest, open, and skeptical and value these attributes in others while engaged in life science activities.

BI. 1.6 Demonstrate by actions in the school community caring and respect for the environment and living organisms.

Standard 4: Government and Civics

Students learn to achieve civic competence by studying the structures of power, authority, and governance.

AG.4.16 Practice personal character traits that facilitate thoughtful and effective participation in civic life, including the following:

• Trustworthiness and honesty

• Courtesy and respect for the rights of others

• Responsibility, accountability, and self-reliance

• Respect for the law

• Patriotism


Explain the importance of thoughtful and effective participation in civic life, including the following:•

• Performing public service

• Keeping informed about current issues

• Respecting differing opinions in a diverse society

• Practicing personal and fiscal responsibility


  Name: Kina-Doreen G. Lewis

 Phone: 671-788-9722 (cell) 671-333-4055 (wk)

Organization/Agency/Business Name: War in the Pacific National Historical Park, National Park Service

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