Guam's fragile ecosystem is beset with many problems having to do with invasive species, both plants and animals. There is so much to do in this field. For this project, you will research the problem of invasive species, then choose one to "attack." That is, of all the invasive species on Guam, choose one that you can do something about. Whether it is to put netting over green waste to capture rhino beetles, cut down bamboo and vines, pull out invasive weeds, trap a brown tree snake - do SOMETHING after some research on the proper safe methods.
* What can be done about Invasive Species?

* What can be done about Invasive Species?
- Status: Open Project , Ongoing Project
- Possible Hours: 20
- Categories: Peace and Kindness, Education and Literacy, Citizenship and Civic Engagement, Environment and Sustainability, Health and Wellness, History and Culture
- Schools: Open to All Schools
- Project Start Date: 08/27/2018
- Project End Date: 08/31/2027
Guam's fragile ecosystem is beset with many problems having to do with invasive species, both plants and animals. There is so much to do in this field. For this project, you will research the problem of invasive species, then choose one to "attack." That is, of all the invasive species on Guam, choose one that you can do something about. Whether it is to put netting over green waste to capture rhino beetles, cut down bamboo and vines, pull out invasive weeds, trap a brown tree snake - do SOMETHING after some research on the proper safe methods.
- Since this is an independent project, not associated with a particular organization, it is very important that you get the support of one of your teachers. You will need a teacher who can grant you the hours if you successfully complete the project.
- You may want to recruit classmates or friends who can join you in this project.
- Do an internet and library search on the problem of invasive species on Guam. Start with:
- Choose at least one of the invasives to target for this project.
- Find how to properly address the removal of this species. Call or email the professionals who can give you correct information.
- Determine the location for your eradication project.
- Gather materials that you will need for the project.
- Wear appropriate clothing and shoes when you do the project. Make sure safety considerations are in place.
- Carry out your project on your specified date. Your preparation must be accurate, detailed, and complete.
- Take photos, before, during, and after.
- Post to social media using the hashtags: #guamservicelearning #guaminvasivespeciesremoval
Volunteers will become more knowledgeable about Guam’s food system through learning how to grow their own food and become less plant blind, recognizing invasive species of insects damaging their crops.
In order to earn service learning hours, a reflection needs to be turned in to a teacher who can input the hours into Power School. You need to address: What did you do? What did you learn? How was this an example of public service?
Reflection Instruction:
Your individual reflection should answer the following questions:
What activities did I participate in?
What is something new I learned?
How did these activities positively affect me and the local community?
Objective:Student will carry out an action plan to address the invasive species problem on Guam.
Science: Standard 2: Life Science
Students understand the diversity and unity of living organisms, the living environment, and principles of ecology.
BI.2.27: Understand and explain the significance of the introduction of species, such as the brown tree snake and other invasive species into Guam’s ecosystem, and describe the consequent harm to native species and the environment in general.
Social Studies: Standard 4: Government and Civics
Students learn to achieve civic competence by studying the structures of power, authority, and governance.
Explain the importance of thoughtful and effective participation in civic life, including the following:
• Performing public service
Acknowledged by Teacher/Guidance Counselor:
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