Submitted by: Island Girl Power
Grade Level: 9-12 
Date: Ongoing
Academic Level: Average Service Learning 
Hours: 10 hours
Activity Level: HIGH 
Affiliation: Island Girl Power, Kurason I Sengsong
Number of Participants: Group

There are 12 parks in Kaiser Dededo, around 6 in Liguan with a combined total of more than 100 in 10 of our villages on Guam. These are Neighborhood Parks built within housing developments,  such as Pagachao-Agat, Liguan &, Kaiser, Dededo and many more.

Preparation Instruction:
  • Science- Present before and After pictures. Demonstrate the various possible uses of the space for residents to be able to decide what to do next.
  • English- Essay or report on why this project is important, how park location was selected, how to sustain Adopt a park sponsorship, how many times a year must location be maintained, how long did it take to clean location (1st time) ( and sessions after the 1st)?
  • Math- Math formulas can be used when measuring the area of the park, type of clearing equipment and how many volunteers were present.
  • Chamorro- Research can be done to highlight what plants were native, indigenous, or invasive and needing to be removed. Health & Fitness – What are health benefits of providing additional park spaces near their homes? Does this help prevent obesity in children?

Activity Instruction:
Contact Kurason I Sengsong - Island Girl Power 671-688-4752 (WhatsApp)

Take a tour of our Dededo facility on any Saturday, call for details
Identify which park you are interested in cleaning up
Organize a group of friends, classmates, neighbors that want to get involved
Gather resources (supplies, drinks, tools, etc...)
make a schedule date and time, inform team

Show up 30 minutes early
-take sign in of all volunteers
-take group picture before and after
-someone with data plan on phone (send pictures to our WhatsApp as the workday goes on) or before and after

Keep in mind these pictures, sign-in sheets, and log in to WhatsApp are all to verify who was there and how long your team volunteered. 
Think of creative ways to engage others to help clean up the parks near their homes... videos and pictures before and after should be done professionally with a large audience in mind. People as young as children in pre-school and as old as your parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents might see your project media.... but most importantly your fellow high school peers. Make it fun, make it exciting and most of all take this opportunity to MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Reflection Instruction:
Your reflection can be an essay,
or a video,
maybe a tic tok video
or a photo slide show with a voice over with the following information
Who was there?
What did you do for the community?
When was your service day or days?
Where was the service project location? and why? 
Why did your group decide to do this project?
How did this project affect you, your group members, and the neighborhood? 
What would you say to others that want to do a similar project? 


  Name: Juanita Blaz
 Phone: +16716884752
  Email: islandgirlpower671@gmail.com
Organization/Agency/Business Name: Kurason Isengsong - Island Girl Power

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