Past Projects

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PAST PROJECTS = Projects which are not accepting any more students and have already ended. We have left these projects here for your reference. 



    Guam Earth Buckets: Sub-irrigated Planters

    Making an Earth Bucket is a hands-on way to start your own garden and learn environmentally friendly ways to do so. 

    Peer Support at JFKHS

    If you are interested in teaching or helping students who have disabilities, Mrs. San Nicholas at JFKHS is providing this service learning opportunity to give these special students support. 

    Maps of Guam and Micronesia Inventory

    If you are interested in maps, geography, and our location in the Pacific and the world, this is a great opportunity for service learning. You will be helping reserchers at the University of Guam to organize their map collection. 

    Seed to Table Horticulture

    Growing vegetables from seed and sharing your produce with others is a valuable learning experience. If you are students in Mr. Binondo's class at Okkodo, you will be given an opportunity to participate in this project. 

    Prutehi Litekyan PSA

    The Ritidian (Litekyan) Unit of the Guam National Widlife Refuge system is under threat of damage due to the proposed *LFTRC (Live-fire Trainning Range Complex) being planned by the DOD (Department of Defense). Learn about the issues involved in this plan, and share what you learn by creating a public service announcement. 

    Learning Chamorro Website Feedback

    A website has been developed at the University of Guam for anyone interested in learning to speak the Chamorro language. To assure its success, especially among high school students, the website developer is inviting students to give feedback as a service learning project.

    Xokiahi Cares, Inc. Community Support

    Xokiahi Inc. is a non-profit community service organization with many projects to help those in need. You will learn what is needed to run such an organization and help those in need as well. 

    Friends of the Park - Kaiser

    To provide families with a safe place to play and relax, Island Girl Power has adopted neighborhood parks in the Kaiser Dededo area, but needs help maintaining these parks.

    Basketball Clinic in the Park

     A basketball court is located in formerly abandoned parks that Island Girl Power has adopted. You can serve your community by teaching younger children the skills and rules of the game. At the same time, you are making use of this park in a positive way to promote a healthy lifestyle. 

    Adopt A Wall - Park Beautification

    Island Girl Power in Dededo has adopted nearby neighborhood parks in Kaiser Dededo to restore and maintain. There are large walls that are available for painting of murals. This project is an opportunity for students to plan a mural, to raise funds for it, and to paint it. Doing this will help provide the neighborhood with a positive environment in which to play and relax. 


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